
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Pyramid Algorithm Framework for Real-Time Image Effects in Game Engines
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Jorgensen, N., Larsen, C., D., Michelsanti, and Kraus, M.
  2. Initiating GrabCut by color difference for automatic foreground extraction of passport imagery
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Jorgensen, N., Larsen, C., K., Nasrollahi, and Moeslund, T.
    In 2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) 2016


  1. DAPS
    Identifying basketball plays from sensor data; towards a low-cost automatic extraction of advanced statistics
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Bahnsen, C., Moeslund, T., and Benítez, R.
    In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2017


  1. IMVIP
    Multi-Person Tracking by Multi-Scale Detection in Basketball Scenarios
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Haro, G., and Ballester, C.
    In Proceedings of the International Conference of Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing 2019
  2. ICAIS
    Single-Camera Basketball Tracker through Pose and Semantic Feature Fusion
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Ballester, C., and Haro, G.
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Sports 2019
  3. FCB
    Head, Shoulders, Hip and Ball... Hip and Ball! Using Pose Data to Leverage Football Player Orientation
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Martín, A., Ballester, C., and Haro, G.


  1. ICIP
    Always Look on the Bright Side of the Field: Merging Pose and Contextual Data to Estimate Orientation of Soccer Players
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Martín, A., Fernández, J., Rodríguez, C., Haro, G., and Ballester, C.
    In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2020
  2. CVSports
    Using Player's Body-Orientation to Model Pass Feasibility in Soccer
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Martín, A., Fernández, J., Ballester, C., and Haro, G.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2020


  1. AISA
    Learning Football Body-Orientation as a Matter of Classification
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Martín, A., Granero, P., Ballester, C., and Haro, G.
    In Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Sports Analytics workshop at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021
  2. RJSP
    Towards Soccer Pass Feasibility Maps: the Role of Players' Orientation
    Arbués-Sangüesa, A., Martín, A., Fernández, J., Haro, G., and Ballester, C.
    In Journal of Sports Sciences 2021


  • PhD Workshop: (UPF-DTIC 2018) - The Collider mVentures Award.
  • PhD Workshop: (UPF-DTIC 2019) - EiTIC People’s Choice Award.
  • ICAIS (2019) - best paper award.
  • CVSports 2020 (CVPR) - runner-up award.
  • HiloTesis: Twitter dissemination contest (2021) - national winner.